Data Claim: Over 350M+ Monthly Indeed Unique Visitors
Source: Indeed Internal Data, October 2023 - March 2024
Reporting Methodology:
Indeed’s user count is measured by “unique visitors.” “Unique Visitors” is defined as the number of unduplicated (counted only once) visits to an Indeed website on a device over the course of a specified time period, and as further defined below:
When a “unique visitor” visits the Indeed site, a first-party internal (IQL) cookie with a random string of numbers and letters is placed in the relevant browser and tracks the “unique visitor’s” activity on Indeed’s site until the that browser history is cleared or 5 years has passed. Indeed then logs visit activity associated with that cookie internally for site performance monitoring and optimization.
The “unique visitor” counts referenced in this claim are an average of each month’s total of distinct cookie IDs visiting Indeed’s site between October 2023 – March 2024.
“Unique visitors” as measured based on the methodology indicated above may not be an accurate representation of actual users of Indeed. Indeed measures unique visitors based on its own internal methodology, which may not be comparable with similarly reported metrics by other companies or third-parties.