2030 ESG Commitments

Help 30M people facing barriers get hired

Bias and barriers make it harder for millions of people to find and keep good jobs. In the U.S., the unemployment rate among job seekers with a criminal record is 5x the national average.Prison Policy Initiative In many countries around the world, unemployment rates for people with a disability are more than double that of people with no disability.United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

At Indeed, we’re on a mission to level the playing field. So millions of candidates see their opportunities expand, and employers see their talent pools grow exponentially.

A person using a Rollator Walker engages in a conversation with their colleagues in an outdoor setting

Our approach to helping people facing barriers

Indeed is helping 30M people facing barriers get hired by improving the job search experience and increasing access to opportunity. We are building products that promote fair and equitable hiring, partnering with organizations around the world that share our mission, and providing key resources for those facing barriers ― such as no college degree, disability, veteran status, criminal record, or refugee status.


A diverse group of people lined up for an Indeed-hosted event for job seekers next to a sign promoting Indeed’s resume help services

We recognize the impact a job has on an individual, their families, our communities, and the global workforce, and work to help all people achieve economic security through employment.

Now more than ever, businesses need great talent but are struggling to find it. We believe a commitment to equitable hiring can change that — because when you open doors to candidates left behind, you start screening in untapped talent. Which helps teams gain new strengths. Which benefits the bottom line.

Key initiatives

We’re on our own journey with equitable hiring and are continuously evaluating and redesigning our hiring processes with a lens of inclusion. We’re adopting best practices as we learn – and are committed to driving change across fair chance hiring, accessibility, skills based hiring, and economic security.

We’ve launched several key initiatives to help people facing barriers get hired, while inspiring employers to join us in this important work.


A male job candidate of color at an interview

Fair chance hiring

A white man drives a car while wearing a face mask

Essentials to Work

A woman of color sits on her wheelchair and receives a handshake

Skill Connect

job seekers facing barriers hired since May 2021 *8 Represents the number of hires made on Indeed reported from both job seeker and employer sources through our Hired Signal measurement, from May 1, 2021 - March 31, 2024, globally for job seekers who faced at least one of the following barriers: education, criminal record, military experience, disability or lack of essentials such as a computer or internet access. Job seekers with refugee backgrounds will be included in the count from FY2024.

Explore Indeed’s social impact efforts
A female amputee is crossing the street in her wheelchair