Hourly to Salary Calculator for Employers
The hourly to salary calculator converts an hourly wage to annual salary — or the other way around. As an employer, use this calculator to help determine the annual cost of raising an hourly rate, or how hourly workers’ overhead business expenses on an annual basis.
Hourly or annual pay is just one component of growing a team. From recruiting to onboarding, find out what else you should know about how to hire employees.
Hourly to Salary Calculator
How do I calculate the hourly rate of an employee based on annual salary? Simply enter the hourly rate and the number of hours per week into the calculator below. If needed, modify the number of weeks worked for more accurate results.
Salary to hourly calculator
How do I calculate the annual salary of an employee based on hourly rate? Simply enter the annual salary and the number of hours per week into the calculator below. Optional: Enter the number of weeks worked for more accurate results.
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