Matched Candidates

Find the match that’s right for you

Combine your job post with Indeed Smart Sourcing for instant access to candidates whose resumes on Indeed match your job description.

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a professionally dressed woman with long gold earrings prepares to view matched candidates whose resumes match her job description

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the woman describes a matched candidate to her coworker

Choose the subscription option that works for you

Matched candidates are a benefit of every Indeed Smart Sourcing subscription, letting you get right to interviewing and hiring.

How matched candidates work

Unlock matches with Indeed Smart Sourcing

When you subscribe to Indeed Smart Sourcing, you immediately start seeing matched candidates on your employer dashboard when you post a job. We search millions of resumes on Indeed daily using the details you share in your job description and update your dashboard with any we find.

You're in control

Choose a subscription level based on your budget and hiring needs. Each subscription comes with matched candidates for posted jobs and unlimited resume searches, with increasing caps on contacts and additional benefits at each level. If you reach your contact limit for the month, you can purchase additional contacts at a flat rate.

Find a match? Invite them to apply!

Candidates you invite to apply are 17 times more likely to apply to your job than those who only see it in search.  Send these candidates a customizable email with your job information and a link to the job description.

the women sits across from a coworker and describes the features and benefits of Sponsored Jobs

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