Free* job posting
Free* job posting
Ready to get started? Post your job for free* on Indeed and have your post seen by millions Comscore, Unique Visitors,

How to post a job for free*
Get better visibility
Get better visibility
Why sponsor your jobs?
When you sponsor your job, you receive higher visibility for relevant search results longer. You can pause or cancel a Sponsored Job anytime, which means more flexibility if you’re urgently hiring, hiring in a competitive market, or have a hard-to-fill position.
- 60% Sponsored Jobs posted directly on Indeed are 60% more likely to report a hire than non-sponsored jobs Indeed data, US average, based on hires reported by job seekers on Indeed, March 2023 - May 2023
- 2.6X Sponsored Jobs are 2.6 times faster to first hire than non-sponsored jobs Indeed data, based on median (US), Q2 2023
Frequently asked questions
Most jobs are eligible to post for free*. Sponsored, or paid postings, provide better visibility and reach more candidates. The cost to sponsor a job depends on the local market conditions in your area, as well as the job title and location for your job post. You’ll always see the price upfront before sponsoring and can easily adjust the timeframe by setting a daily or monthly budget to meet your needs.
To advertise a job on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the job posting process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job. The process will help you add a clear and engaging job description, add applicant qualifications, choose from assessments, and more. You’ll see an option to advertise a job for increased visibility during the job posting process. You can choose to sponsor a posted job later through your Indeed dashboard.
To post a job on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the job posting process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job. The process will help you add a clear and engaging job description, add applicant qualifications, choose from assessments, and more.
Most jobs are eligible to post on Indeed for free*. To post a job on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job.
Posting jobs on Indeed is free* for anyone, whether or not your company has a career site.
A job posting is an advertisement created by an employer to announce an open position within their company. It typically includes key details about the job, such as the job title, location, responsibilities, qualifications, and how to apply. Job postings are used to attract potential candidates and provide them with the necessary information to determine if they are a good fit for the role.
Indeed helps promote your job posting in several ways. Your job post appears in search results when job seekers search for relevant keywords and they receive notifications if your job matches their criteria, helping you reach a targeted audience of active job seekers. Your job post is visible to job seekers using the Indeed mobile app, allowing you to reach job seekers on the go and your job post is extended to Indeed’s partner job boards and websites, increasing visibility across multiple platforms.
Most jobs are eligible to post on Indeed for free*. To post a job on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job.
To post a job on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the job posting process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job. The process will help you add a clear and engaging job description, add applicant qualifications, choose from assessments and more. You’ll see an option to advertise a job for increased visibility during the job posting process. You can choose to sponsor a posted job later through your Indeed dashboard.
The best place for posting jobs is where candidates are actively looking for new roles. Job search sites like Indeed allow you to post a job that will appear when candidates enter keywords such as job titles, experience, and skills.
Most jobs are eligible to post on Indeed for free*. To advertise a job for free* on Indeed, click any “Post a job” button on this page. An account will be created if you don’t already have one, and you’ll be guided through the process. If you’re logged into your employer account, click the “Post a job” button to post a new job.
Free* sites for job posting include Indeed, a job search site that connects job seekers and employers across industries. Indeed is the #1 job site in the world Comscore, Total Visits, March 2024 where employers can choose to post jobs for free* that will appear in general search listings or post a Sponsored job to help reach a broader talent pool.
Job posting sites include career websites, job boards, and recruiter listings. Indeed is both a job board as well as a matching and hiring platform, where employers can create and post jobs to discover and connect with candidates looking for a new opportunity. Your job post appears in search results when job seekers search for relevant keywords and they receive notifications if your job matches their criteria, helping you reach a targeted audience of active job seekers. Your job post is visible to job seekers using the Indeed mobile app, allowing you to reach job seekers on the go and your job post is extended to Indeed’s partner job boards and websites, increasing visibility across multiple platforms.