Upload your resume to the world's #1 job site*
Already have a resume? Simply upload your resume for free to get noticed by employers and apply to thousands of jobs in one click.
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*Comscore, Total Visits, September 2021
How does it work?
Upload your resume to an existing account or create a new account to get started. You can use a DOC, DOCX, PDF or more.
Tailor your resume for the job you’ve chosen. Need inspiration? Browse hundreds of resume examples for ideas.
Once you upload your resume and customize it, you’re ready to apply to thousands of jobs in one click.
Let Indeed help your resume shine
Start your search faster
When you upload your resume to Indeed, you’ll be ready to start applying immediately.
Customize your resume
Want to make changes to your existing resume? Not a problem - you’ll always have the chance to edit your resume before you make it public to employers.
Upload any format
Stop shuffling files and converting documents. Upload any text format, including DOC, DOCX, PDF and more. You can even download your LinkedIn profile, then upload it to create a resume.
Hear from others
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*Comscore, Total Visits, September 2021
Get a head start by uploading your resume to Indeed
Get noticed by employers and apply to thousands of jobs in one click.