Recruiting strategies for hiring great employees

Job seekers have a lot of options these days. How do you stand out? Watch our video for recruiting strategies to help you identify, attract and hire quality candidates.
When you’re ready, post your job on Indeed to kickstart your recruiting.

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Watch our other videos for more hiring advice

From writing compelling job descriptions and asking the right interview questions to job offer emails and onboarding best practices, our video series gives you the tools to attract your ideal candidate faster.

How to Write a Job Description

Find out how to write an effective job description that attracts top candidates.

Top 5 Interview Questions to Ask Any Candidate

Find out the top 5 interview questions you can ask any candidate (and what to look for in the answers).

How to Write a Job Offer Email

Find out how to write a job offer email that gets your ideal candidate to accept.

How to Onboard New Employees

Find out how to set new employees up for success with tips for effective onboarding.

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    ¹Indeed data (worldwide), job seeker accounts that have a unique, verified email address

  2. Get quality applicants

    With matched candidates, over 90% of employers get quality candidates whose resumes on Indeed match the job description right when they sponsor their job.²

    ²Indeed data (US)

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Recruiting FAQs

The most successful recruiting plans often include multiple strategies, such as posting your job on Indeed, asking employees for referrals and revisiting the resumes of past applicants. The methods that work best will depend on factors like the specific role you’re hiring for, your budget and what works best for your business.

Thinking outside the box when recruiting candidates can improve your reach, helping you attract a more diverse set of applicants. Creative recruiting can also help you attract passive candidates who are not actively looking for a job but are open to the right opportunities.

You can measure the success of your recruitment strategies by tracking key performance metrics (KPIs) such as the number of quality candidates per job post, time to hire, offer acceptance rate, source of hire cost per hire and turnover rate.

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*TalentNest 2019 Applicant Analysis