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5 Construction Job Boards for Employers

There are more than 7.8 million people working in construction in the United States, with the industry accounting for around 4.3% of the country’s GDP. If you’re looking to hire construction workers, targeting your advertising efforts with job boards is a good starting point.

A well-crafted job advertisement posted to the right job board could help you reach a significant pool of suitable candidates quite quickly. This guide looks at five job boards you may find useful when advertising your vacancies in the construction industry. These boards offer categories targeted to construction, helping you reach potentially qualified candidates.

Related: How to Find and Hire Construction Workers

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Construction industry job boards


ConstructionJobs is a premium job board aimed at the construction industry. It offers an advanced job filtering system and the option to send out alerts via email.Employers can create profiles for their companies, helping applicants search for jobs with them specifically. The platform may offer a discount to employers who are posting multiple job openings.


ConstructionJobForce is a construction-focused job board operated byNexxt. Postings on ConstructionJobForce are automatically shared and cross-posted to Nexxt’s affiliated sites. The platform can be useful for employers who are looking to hire supervisors, operators and technicians thanks to its reach and the searchable resume database it offers. There’s a fee for posting job openings on this platform.


RoadTechs targets the alternative energy, manufacturing and homeland security industries, although it also hosts more general construction opportunities as well. The site was founded in 1997 and offers features for employers, including social media options and emails about candidates who match the criteria in your job post. This platform charges per post.


This construction job board offers several features for finding construction job candidates. Posts on iHireConstruction.com are refreshed every 15 days to improve their visibility. Employers can create pre-screening questions to filter out applicants, and the platform’s keyword optimization features can help employers get their job openings in front of candidates who are most likely to be suitable. There’s a monthly fee for posting to this platform.


More than just a job board, Indeed is a matching and hiring platform that can help you find qualified candidates for construction jobs. For example, in May 2023, there were 5,351,917 job seekers on Indeed who clicked on construction jobs. Indeed also gives you access to useful hiring features like screener questions, skill assessments, matched candidates and interviewing tools.

The platform offers both free and paid job listing options, along with a useful Hiring Insights tool (log in to access) employers can use to see how many people are looking for similar jobs in their local area, as well as the search terms they’re using. These insights can help you better target each job posting to help you reach candidates who are most likely interested in, and suitable for, the position you have open.

Construction job board FAQs

What are some free job boards for the construction industry?

Employers can post job advertisements for free on a number of platforms, including Indeed.

How can I get a better response to my construction job postings?

You can help increase the response to your job postings by choosing popular platforms with good search options that are likely to attract job seekers. Taking the time to write a detailed job description that includes requirements and compensation information may also make your listing more appealing to prospective applicants.

Where can I find good construction job description templates?

The Indeed Employer Resource Library features an extensive database of help and advice articles for employers, including how to write effective job descriptions. It also offers numerous ready-to-use job description templates.

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