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How (and Why) to Support Employee Work-Life Balance

Many people work inconsistent schedules or check their email outside of the office. It can be a challenge for some employees to maintain effective work-life balance when they feel either from perceived managerial pressure or their own pressure that they don’t have enough time for both. Establishing effective practices to help your employees achieve work-life balance is key.

Learn what work-life balance is, understand what causes work-life imbalance, review the benefits of supporting employee work-life balance and read tips for how you can support work-life balance.

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What is work-life balance?

Work-life balance is the process of maintaining separation and success in your personal endeavors and at work. Finding the time to devote the appropriate energy to each area is a challenge for some employees, especially those who regularly work overtime, have long commutes or take care of a number of personal responsibilities outside of work.

Many companies support work-life balance by implementing procedures and providing benefits that help employees effectively balance all their responsibilities.

Related: Managing Stress in the Workplace: An Introduction

What causes work-life imbalance?

Any number of factors and stressors can cause work-life imbalance. The specific causes of work-life imbalance can vary from person to person within the same company. Common causes of work-life imbalance include:

  • Rising expenses: Generally, expenses have continued to rise while salaries and wages stay stagnant.
  • Increased workplace responsibilities: Employees may take on tasks in addition to their normal job duties.
  • Longer hours: Some employees work extended hours to ensure they complete all their tasks or to make extra money to cover their expenses.
  • Unsupportive management: Depending on management style, some managers may be less empathetic when it comes to work-life balance, making it challenging for employees to manage personal and professional responsibilities.

Related: Avoiding the Monday Blues (for You and Your Employees)

Benefits of supporting employee work-life balance

Taking the time to review how your company approaches and supports work-life balance can have lasting positive impacts on your organization:

  • Increased productivity: When your employees are well-rested and less stressed, they can improve focus on work responsibilities and productivity.
  • Higher morale: Overall employee morale is higher when the company as a whole feels supported and well-rested.
  • Better job retention: Employees who have adequate time away from work to handle personal needs are less likely to leave their position.
  • Improved collaboration: Employees who feel respected and supported are often more inclined to innovate and to collaborate with their colleagues.
  • Increased savings: With fewer days off and decreased turnover, your company will save money on paid time off and recruiting.
  • Improved brand reputation: By establishing an effective work-life balance policy, you may attract more quality candidates to your company.

Tips for how managers can support employee work-life balance

You can see improvement by implementing policies that provide several benefits. Use these tips to help you support your employees’ work-life balance:

Be flexible

When employees are given more autonomy to manage their time, they may feel experience more of a balance between work and personal life. Consider allowing employees to work flexible hours or implementing a hybrid work schedule if their role or job scope allows. 

Provide paid time off

Give your employees paid time off (PTO) whenever possible to use for vacation, sickness or any other responsibilities outside of work. Consider using a PTO tracker to allow employees to manage their time off as they see fit and to communicate with team members when they will be out of office.

Limit carryover

To encourage your employees to use their PTO, limit the number of days or hours they’re allowed to carry over from one year to the next. By setting limits, you’re showing your employees you want and expect them to take time away from work to spend with their families, resting or managing personal responsibilities.

Model balance

Ensure your leadership team models work-life balance for employees by setting appropriate boundaries to separate professional and personal responsibilities. Leaving work at a reasonable hour, limiting checking messages or email after business hours, staying home if you are sick and utilizing PTO can communicate to your team that you value work-life balance.

Respect time off

When your employees take PTO, respect their time by limiting work communication, such as emails or phone calls. Consider implementing a company-wide expectation that when you’re away from work, not to be expected to communicate or complete any tasks at home.

Allow unpaid time off

There are some situations in which your employees may need to take an extended period off work, such as a leave of absence, that would exceed their remaining PTO balance. Jury duty, bereavement, medical and military leave may fall under unpaid time off. Check with your local laws and guidelines for more information regarding unpaid time off.

Sponsor activities

Planning activities for your employees and their loved ones, such as sponsoring a weekend picnic or an after-work happy hour, can encourage your employees to get to know one another on a personal level without the pressures of work. Camaraderie and high morale at work encourage retention.

Manage work flow

If your company experiences busier seasons and slower seasons, do your best to balance those hours for your employees. For example, if you know you’ll have a busy season where employees will need to work overtime, consider reducing hours or offering additional PTO during slower seasons to help employees achieve better work-life balance.

Consider unique job structures

Allow job sharing or part-time work if employees need assistance managing personal and work responsibilities with a full-time schedule.

Reward healthy habits

Encourage employees to prioritize their health and wellness by offering benefits, perks, prizes and rewards. You might encourage employees time to exercise or take micro-breaks throughout the work day. Consider offering points or prizes for meeting health and wellness goals.

Minimize distractions

Keep the workplace free of unnecessary distractions to help employees stay focused. Minimize meetings and find other ways to keep employees productive when in the office.

Work-life balance is vital to a successful workplace. Find a few ways to improve your employees’ work-life balance and see the benefits with a happier workforce and higher productivity.

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